about us / for authors

EgoPHobia [εγωφοβια] is an independent cultural e-journal published every two months dedicated mainly to original contributions in literature and philosophy. However, we publish also images, music or movie reviews, articles on history and art and other texts that we consider interesting for our readers. As until recently only Romanians were involved in this project, almost the whole site is in Romanian, but we encourage the submission of English texts, which can be published mainly in the "English" section, but also in other sections. We plan the translation of some other parts of the site into English. As the e-zine brings no income, we are sorry to announce that the contributions cannot be remunerated. The texts submitted for our consideration in order to get published must be sent via e-mail to egophobia@gmx.net as .rtf or .txt attachments. We kindly ask you not to send us more than five poems once. However, for any other kind of text there are no limits concerning dimension or quantity. All the texts received for publication will be reviewed independently by three members of our editorial staff, in case of disagreement the final decision belongs to the editor-in-chief. We will inform you by e-mail whether will we publish your submission or not. Any misspells or typing errors in the accepted texts will be settled together with the author. The authors are asked to send us also some personal info (age, place, country, publications, website, ...) together with the texts and are kindly invited to sign the messages with their real names. However, they may use pseudonyms when being published, as well as attach some personal info to the published text. If you want to write for us permanently or to become a member of our staff, feel free to use our e-mail address, egophobia@gmx.net.

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